Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Welcome to my new adventure!

No time to look back...
I have recently embarked on a journey of creative self discovery. I have long been interested in photography.  This passion started the Christmas I received a 110 Kodak instamatic camera. I snapped photos of family and friends at every opportunity, exasperating my parents with my constant requests for film and processing. The passion grew so much that they continued to upgrade my "weapon", providing me with tools such as  a Kodak Disc camera when that fleeting technology was introduced, and finally a 35mm Canon AE-1 for my high school graduation. My plan to pursue a degree in communications with photography emphasis at Boston College was sidetracked by the decision to marry and start a family, but I continued my passion by producing thousands of images of my children's formative years as well as capturing family gatherings and vacations. Life has come full circle for me now and I find myself on the threshold of a new and exciting adventure. I have once again rekindled my desire to share my photography beyond the realm of family snapshots. On the advice of a dear friend to follow my dreams, I am back in school studying photography and have learned more than I ever imagined possible in just a few short months of matriculation. I am eager to continue my studies, and look forward to sharing this amazing journey with you. Stay tuned!

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